New Delhi: A 22-year-old woman was brutally murdered in Malviya Nagar, south Delhi on Friday. The victim, identified as Nargis, was called to a park by her cousin Irfan, who was obsessed with her. When Nargis refused his marriage proposal, Irfan attacked her with a 1.5-foot-long rod, which had a sharp edge. The rod penetrated her head, causing excessive bleeding and leading to her death. Irfan later surrendered to the police.

Malviya Nagar Murder: Accused Planned the Crime

The police revealed that Irfan had been planning the murder for days. The motive behind the crime was a rejected wedding proposal and the cessation of communication by Nargis, whom Irfan wanted to marry. The accused had also been upset about his younger brother’s roka ceremony, despite being 28 years old and unmarried. Irfan had conducted a recce for 2-3 days to familiarize himself with Nargis’ route after her stenography classes. He attacked her after she finished her class and took her to a park, where the fight broke out.

Families’ Relationship and Reasons for Rejecting the Proposal

The victim’s family and the accused’s family are related, as their mothers are sisters. However, Nargis’ family had refused the marriage proposal due to Irfan’s unstable job and lack of education. The victim’s brother stated that there had been no communication between the families for three months, and the marriage refusal had occurred a year ago. He also alleged that the accused’s mother was involved in the conspiracy.

Outrage and Concerns

The victim’s family expressed their anguish and questioned the safety of daughters who aspire to pursue higher studies. They emphasized the importance of considering a child’s well-being before arranging a marriage. The incident has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the safety of women in society.


  • A 22-year-old woman was called to a park by her cousin and brutally murdered in Malviya Nagar, Delhi.
  • The accused, Irfan, had been planning the crime for days due to a rejected wedding proposal and the cessation of communication by the victim.
  • The victim’s family had refused the proposal due to Irfan’s unstable job and lack of education.
  • The victim’s brother alleged the involvement of the accused’s mother in the conspiracy.
  • The incident has raised concerns about the safety of women and the need to prioritize their well-being.

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