DelhiDesk Congress leader Ajay Maken has alleged that the beautification of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s bungalow did not cost Rs 45 crore but tripled to Rs 171 crore. Maken claimed that the government had to purchase additional flats for officials whose houses were either demolished or vacated to expand the Chief Minister’s residential complex. He further alleged that an expenditure of Rs 171 crore was made during the time of Covid-19 when people were struggling for basic necessities like oxygen, hospital beds, and food. The government had bought 21 Type-5 flats worth Rs 126 crore in the Commonwealth Games Village to compensate for the demolished and vacated flats, claimed Maken.

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– Congress leader Ajay Maken 👉 Photo: Agency
– Ajay Maken claims beautification of Kejriwal’s bungalow cost triple, not Rs 45 crore 👉
– Government had to purchase additional flats for officials whose houses were either demolished or vacated 👉
– Expenditure of Rs 171 crore of the people of Delhi was spent during the time of Kovid 👉
– 22 officers’ flats in this under-construction complex have been demolished and vacated 👉
– Government has bought 21 Type-5 flats worth Rs 126 crore in the Commonwealth Games Village to compensate 👉