DelhiDesk A 45-year-old laborer named Dilip Yadav died and another was injured after a wall collapsed on them in Sita Ram Bazar area of Central Delhi’s Chandni Mahal. The incident occurred around 1:40 am when some laborers were demolishing a wall, which suddenly collapsed on them. Legal action has been initiated against the contractor and owner of the premises. The MCD had been informed about the demolition activity on April 25.
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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.
👉A laborer named Dilip Yadav died and another was injured after a wall collapsed on them in Sita Ram Bazar area of Central Delhi’s Chandni Mahal.
👉The incident took place on the intervening night of Sunday and Monday.
👉The victim was a native of Bihar and lived in north Delhi’s Wazirabad.
👉The injured laborer, Chittan Mandal, sustained injuries on his leg and is still under treatment at the hospital.
👉The incident occurred when some laborers were demolishing a wall, which suddenly collapsed on them.
👉The MCD had been informed about the demolition activity on April 25.
👉Legal action has been initiated against the contractor and owner of the premises.
👉Further investigation is in progress.
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