2Kw Solar Panel Cost Know How Much It Will Cost Jpg Know How Much You Will Get For 3Kw Solar Panel Subsidy, What Will Be The Total Cost?

3kW Solar Panel Subsidy

With the rising demand for electricity, many are seeking solutions to lower their electricity bills, turning towards solar panels as a viable option.

This article covers the subsidy available for installing a 3kW solar system, which is ideal for households consuming around 10-12 units of power daily.

The cost of a 3kW solar panel varies by manufacturer, and subsidy rates typically range from 20% to 40% based on government policies. This can significantly lower installation costs.

A 3kW solar panel can generate approximately 12 to 15 units of electricity daily, equating to around 400 to 450 units monthly, sufficient for operating various household appliances.

Increased Subsidy for 3kW Solar Systems

The overall cost for a 3kW solar system is around ₹1.5 lakh, with the Government of India offering a 40% subsidy. This translates to a subsidy exceeding ₹70,000, reducing the net cost to about ₹80,000.

Consider taking advantage of these subsidies to harness solar energy effectively and reduce your electricity expenses.

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Summary at glance

The article discusses the growing demand for electricity and the shift towards solar panels as a solution. It focuses on the 3 kW solar panel system, which is suitable for households consuming around 10-12 units daily. The government offers a subsidy of 20% to 40%, significantly lowering the installation cost from approximately Rs 1.5 lakh to about Rs 80,000. A 3 kW system can generate 12 to 15 units of electricity daily, supporting various household appliances.

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