Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced plans to create 26 new industrial areas in the city, with the aim of creating employment opportunities for about six lakh young people. The government will bear 90% of the cost of the layout plan, while the remaining 10% will be borne by the industrial units to ensure their participation. The non-conforming industrial areas will be redeveloped to create world-class industrial areas. The 26 areas that will become confirming industrial areas include Anand Parvat, Shahdara, Samaypur Badli, Jawahar Nagar, Sultanpur Majra, Hastsal Pocket-A, Naresh Park Extension, Libaspur, Peeragarhi Village, Khyala, Hastsal Pocket-D, Shalimar Village, New Mandoli, Nawada, Rithala, Swarn Park Mundka, Haiderpur, Karawal Nagar, Dabri, Basai Darapur, Prahladpur Bangar, Mundka Udyog Nagar South, Phirni Road Mundka, Ranhola, Nangli Sakrawati, and Tikri Kalan.
The redevelopment will be done in three phases. The first phase will involve preparing the layout, keeping in mind the requirements of MPD-2041. A layout plan will be prepared by the empaneled consultants of the Delhi Government to ensure safety and upgraded facilities. Advice will be taken from the local industry association or society. In the second phase, the infrastructure will be redeveloped, and the industrial areas will be made greener and cleaner. Sewage, common waste treatment plants, drinking water supply, industrial waste disposal systems, and roads will be improved. Common facilities such as experience centers, tool rooms, processing centers, research and development centers, accredited test labs, training centers, business convention centers, raw material banks, and logistic centers will be opened as per the need.
The creation of confirming industrial areas will help to fix responsibilities and decrease corruption. In non-conforming industrial areas, all facilities related to water, electricity, waste management, fire service, and others are not planned according to industrial use. Sufficient documents are not available with the entrepreneurs in non-conforming industrial areas, and they sometimes have to pay money to officials. When an accident occurs, the departments are not ready to take responsibility for it. Presently, 51 thousand units are running in these areas. The redevelopment of these areas will provide a permanent solution to the situation.
Kejriwal held a review meeting with senior officials of the Industries Department on Wednesday to discuss the plans. According to the master plan of Delhi, it is the responsibility of the DDA to demarcate land for residential, commercial, and industrial use. However, when residential, commercial, and industrial activities expanded in Delhi, DDA could not keep up with the pace of Delhi’s development. Regular industrial clusters were not formed by DDA in time. In such a situation, illegal or non-conforming industrial areas were formed. Industrial activities are going on in more than 70 percent of the land in Delhi, which is called non-conforming industrial area.
The government’s initiative to create new industrial areas and redevelop non-conforming industrial areas into confirming industrial areas is a welcome step towards creating employment opportunities and improving the industrial landscape of Delhi.
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