Justin Bieber Delhi Event update: मशहूर पॉप सिंगर जस्टिन बीबर ने हेल्थ इशु के चलते दिल्ली में होने वाले शो को रद्द कर दिया है। प्रोग्राम के प्रमोटर ‘बुक माई शो’ ने यह जानकारी दी है। हालांकि इसके कुछ दिन बाद उन्होंने वर्ल्ड टूर करना शुरू कर दिया था। जस्टिस वर्ल्ड टूर इस साल मार्च में लॉन्च किया गया था। इसमें उनके साउथ अमेरिका, एशिया, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, न्यूजीलैंड और यूरोप में मार्च 2023 तक चलने वाले 70 शोज थे। जस्टिन 18 अक्टूबर को दिल्ली के जवाहरलाल नेहरू स्टेडियम में भी परफॉर्म करने वाले थे।



टिकट बीकिंग साइट ने भी जारी किया संदेश.

“We are extremely disappointed to share that the ‘Justin Bieber Justice World Tour India’ scheduled for October 18th, 2022 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi has been cancelled owing to the singer’s health concerns.

We have just been informed that due to health concerns, he will unfortunately not be able to make it next month. Along with New Delhi in India, the artist has also cancelled other stops in the tour’s run-up to the India show including Chile, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Bahrain, UAE and Israel.

While we are deeply disappointed that we will not be able to welcome Justin Bieber to India this year on account of his health concerns, we wish him well and hope he recovers at the earliest to be back for millions of his fans in India soon. While the cancellation of the ‘Justin Bieber Justice World Tour – India’ has been dependent on actors outside of our control, what is in our hands, is your experience as a BookMyShow consumer and the transparency you expect in the resolution to this situation. To that end, BookMyShow has already initiated a full and complete refund of the ticket amount for all consumers who had purchased tickets for the show. The complete refund will be reflected within 10 working days in the customer’s source account of the original transaction. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused but we promise, there is a lot more music and live entertainment coming your way, soon!”

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