As the New Year approaches, Reliance Jio, owned by Mukesh Ambani, has announced a special New Year gift for its prepaid users. The telecom giant is set to offer extra benefits with its 2999 INR long-term plan, making it an attractive deal for Jio users.

Is the Long Validity Plan Worth It?

The 2999 INR Jio plan, already popular for its 365-day validity, now gets even more appealing with extra benefits. This plan could be a lucrative deal for those seeking long-term validity.

Benefits with the 2999 INR Plan

Reliance Jio, as part of its New Year offer, is providing additional advantages with its 2999 INR plan. Let’s explore what users can expect from this plan:


What Benefits Does the Jio Offer Include?

  • Extended Validity: The 2999 INR plan, originally valid for 365 days, will now offer an additional 24 days of validity under the New Year offer. This means Jio users can enjoy more data and calling benefits for a total of 389 days.
  • Daily Cost: With the extended validity, the daily cost of the plan works out to be approximately 7.70 INR.
  • Data, Calling, and SMS Benefits: The plan continues to offer the same benefits as before, including 2.5GB high-speed data per day. After the data limit is reached, the speed reduces to 64 Kbps.


Unlimited 5G Services?

  • 5G Services: In areas where Jio’s 5G services are available, users can enjoy unlimited 5G data along with this plan.
  • Unlimited Free Voice Calling and Daily 100 SMS: The plan also offers these benefits.


Additional Benefits with Jio Recharge

  • Free Access to Jio Services: Users will get free access to Jio TV, Jio Cinema, and Jio Cloud. However, it’s important to note that the Jio Cinema premium subscription is not included with this plan.



The Jio 2999 Plan offers a fantastic blend of extended validity, comprehensive data and calling benefits, and additional Jio services. This plan, especially with the added benefits for the New Year, presents a great opportunity for users looking for long-term value from their telecom provider.

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