If you have a desire to buy two wheeler four wheeler cheaply, then the bank is giving you a chance to participate in its auction process. Loans taken from banks and vehicles seized due to non-payment of loans are going to be auctioned from Indus easy wheels platform.


IndusInd Bank is going to auction the seized vehicles.

Vehicles on loans taken by Indusind Bank whose installments could not be repaid have been auctioned and thousands of such vehicles are being auctioned by the Bank, under which you will get both four wheelers and two wheelers. There may be a chance to buy.


It is very cheap to buy a car.

As far as the price of the vehicles is concerned, they are being sold only at 30% of the original price, that is, the vehicles whose cost is up to Rs.10 lakhs, you will easily get those vehicles for up to Rs.3 lakhs.


Bank will give this assurance.

  • Complete paper and NOC certificate of the vehicle.
  • Loan on car.
  • Insurance on the vehicle.
  • Vehicle Head Service.
  • Roadside assistant for vehicle and go mechanic service in case of breakdown.


Auction Link Indusind | Indus easy wheels

आप पूरा ऑप्शन देखने के लिए इस लिंक पर जा सकते हैं:  Auction Link IndusInd click here.

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