DelhiDesk Indian Railways is set to launch the Vande Bharat Express train on the Ranchi-Patna rail route for passengers of Bihar-Jharkhand, according to reports. It will be the second Vande Bharat Express train in the South-Eastern Railway zone. The route for the new train has not yet been finalised, but it is expected to cover a distance of around 410km in six hours, with fares slightly higher than the AC chair car class of Janshatabdi.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Indian Railways to start Vande Bharat Express train on Ranchi-Patna rail route
👉 Train passengers of Bihar-Jharkhand to complete journey on white and blue colored Vande Bharat Express train
👉 This will be the second Vande Bharat Express train in the South-Eastern Railway zone
👉 Route of Ranchi-Patna Vande Bharat Express train not finalized yet, but may pass via Gaya Junction
👉 New Vande Bharat Express train to cover 410 kilometers in about 6 hours
👉 Fare of first Vande Bharat Express train running between Bihar-Jharkhand to be slightly higher than AC chaircar class of Janshatabdi.

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