DelhiDesk Indian Railways has electrified 37,011 km of rail routes in the last nine years, making a total of 58,424 km of railway routes electrified, which is 90% of the total railway routes. The Railways has set a target of becoming the largest green railway with net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Indian Railways has accelerated the process of electrification of railway tracks on various routes to achieve this target. 14 states and Union Territories have already achieved 100% electrification of railway track.
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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.
π Indian Railways is making strong efforts towards environmental protection amidst climate change.
π The process of electrification of railway tracks has been accelerated on various routes.
π Indian Railways has electrified 37,011 km of rail routes in the last nine years.
π Only 21,413 km of railway track was electrified from the country’s independence in the year 1947 till 2014.
π 90 percent of railway routes have been electrified, which is a total of 58,424 km of railway routes.
π Indian Railways has set a target of becoming the largest green railway with net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
π 14 States and Union Territories have already achieved 100% electrification of railway track.
π It is hoped that by 2030 the target of green railway will be achieved in any case.
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