Indian Railways is set to introduce a new train for the common man, which will operate on the push-pull locomotive system. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw shared a preview image of the push-pull locomotives on his Whatsapp channel. The new train is being manufactured by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) and will feature upgraded second class 3-tier sleeper coaches and second class unreserved coaches. While the new coaches will not be air-conditioned, they will have several features similar to the Vande Bharat Express. Unlike the Vande Bharat Express, the new train will be pulled by one locomotive at each end using the push-pull technique. The orange-grey push-pull locomotives will have a conical and aerodynamic design, similar to the Vande Bharat Express. Each locomotive will have 6,000 HP, enabling faster acceleration and reduced travel time. The train will have 22 coaches, including two luggage-cum-guard vans, eight General Second Class coaches, and 12 non-AC sleeper cars. It will also have superior interiors for enhanced safety and passenger comfort. The new train is expected to be ready at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai by the middle of this month. Once CLW supplies the two locomotives, the train will undergo testing by the end of the month.


  • The Indian Railways is planning to introduce a new train for the common man.
  • The train will operate on the push-pull locomotive system.
  • Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) is manufacturing the push-pull locomotives for the train.
  • The train will have upgraded second class 3-tier sleeper coaches and second class unreserved coaches.
  • It will have several features similar to the Vande Bharat Express, except that it will not be air-conditioned.
  • The new train will be pulled by one locomotive at each end using the push-pull technique.
  • The push-pull locomotives will have a conical and aerodynamic design.
  • Each locomotive will have 6,000 HP for faster acceleration and reduced travel time.
  • The train will have 22 coaches, including luggage-cum-guard vans, General Second Class coaches, and non-AC sleeper cars.
  • It will feature superior interiors for enhanced safety and passenger comfort.
  • The train is expected to be ready at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai by the middle of this month.
  • Once CLW supplies the locomotives, the train will undergo testing by the end of the month.

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