HSSC Group D Exam City Information Slip Released
- Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released the exam city information slip for the recruitment examination of group D posts.
- Candidates can download the slip from the official website of HSSC.
- The exam will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on October 21 and 22.
- The slip provides information about the exam city and is not the admit card.
- Candidates must carry the admit card on the exam day, not the exam city slip.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has issued the exam city information slip for the recruitment examination of group D posts. Candidates can download the slip from the official website of HSSC, hssc.gov.in. The slip provides information about the exam city where candidates will have to visit to appear in the exam.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will administer the HSSC Group D Common Eligibility Test in OMR based mode on behalf of the commission. The test will be held on October 21 and 22, from 10 am to 11:45 am and from 3 pm to 4:45 pm, including five minutes for marking the fifth option. The exam will be held in Chandigarh and different cities and districts of Haryana.
Candidates can download their exam city information slips for the group D exam using the following link: HSSC Haryana group D admit card 2023 direct link. They will need to use their registration number and date of birth to download the slip.
It is important to note that the exam city slip is not the admit card for the exam. The slip is provided to inform candidates which city they will have to visit to appear in the exam so that they can make their travel plans. Admit cards, which will mention the name of the exam centre, roll number, reporting time for the exam, etc., will be shared separately.
The admit card will be required on the exam day, not the exam city slip. In case any candidate faces difficulty in downloading the examination city intimation slip, they can write to the email: hcet@nta.ac.in. For more details, candidates can check the official notice here.
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