Gautam Buddh Nagar’s District Magistrate, Manish Kumar Verma, has announced a new directive. According to this declaration, the Uttarakhand government has made online registration mandatory for all pilgrims planning to undertake the Char Dham Yatra in 2024.

This new rule aims to ensure better travel management and the safety of the devotees. The registration system is expected to enhance the security, orderliness, and overall service provided to the pilgrims on the Char Dham Yatra. The Uttarakhand government’s initiative prioritizes the safety of the pilgrims.

How to Register

District Magistrate Verma explained that all pilgrims visiting the four dhams—Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath—must use the Uttarakhand government’s website or the ‘Tourist Care Uttarakhand’ mobile app for mandatory registration.

Pilgrims without registration will be stopped at designated checkpoints and will not be allowed to proceed further.

Reason for the Decision

During the registration process, pilgrims will need to provide details such as their travel dates, destination, and other relevant information.

District Magistrate Verma stated that this would help control the crowd in the Char Dham Yatra regions and facilitate necessary arrangements at the pilgrimage sites. He also urged tour operators and travel agents to ensure their clients are registered to avoid any issues during the journey.

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