DelhiDesk The price of gold has slightly declined in the bullion market of Ranchi, while the price of silver has increased by Rs 100. The price of 10 grams of gold in Ranchi is fixed at Rs 60,010, while the price of 1 kg of silver is Rs 80,500. An app called BIS Care has been developed by the government to check the purity of gold. Complaints related to license, registration, and hallmark number of goods can be registered through the app. The silver market in India is worth Rs 23,000 crore and is considered a safe haven for investment during financial instability.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 There has been a slight decline in the price of gold in the bullion market of Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand.
👉 The price of silver has increased by Rs 100.
👉 10 grams of gold in the capital is fixed at Rs 60,010.
👉 1 kg of silver is priced at 80,500 rupees.
👉 The price of 10 grams of 22 carat gold is estimated at Rs 57,150.
👉 The price of gold and silver was stable for the last several days.
👉 An app named BIS Care has been made by the government to check the purity of gold.
👉 If license, registration and hallmark number of goods is found to be wrong, a complaint can be registered through the app.
👉 According to the report of, the silver market in India is worth Rs 23,000 crore.

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