DelhiDesk Today, gold rates opened with a boom and created a new record high. The rate of gold opened at Rs 61739 per ten grams, up by Rs 93 per ten grams from the previous trading day. The rate of silver opened at Rs 77251 per kg, up by Rs 787 per kg from the previous trading day. Gold is trading with a fall in the international market, while silver is trading at a level of $26.00 an ounce with a fall of $0.07. The rates of gold and silver in major cities across India have also been provided.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Today, gold has opened at a new all-time high at Rs 61739 per ten grams.
– The rate of silver has also opened with a gain of Rs 787 per kg.
– Gold is trading with a fall on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX).
– In the international market, gold is trading down by $4.01 at a rate of $2045.90 an ounce.
– The rates of gold and silver in major cities have been provided, with variations in rates according to the tax in each state.

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