DelhiDesk The rate of gold opened at Rs 59,973 per ten grams, with a decline of Rs 169 per ten grams from the previous trading day. However, gold is currently selling cheaper by about Rs 1,612 per 10 grams from its all-time high of Rs 61,585 per ten grams on May 11, 2023. The rate of silver opened at Rs 70,969 per kg, with a gain of Rs 469 per kg from the previous trading day. Gold is trading fast on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), while in the international market, gold is trading at a gain of $4.53 at the rate of $1,948.49 an ounce. The rates of gold and silver in major cities across India have also been provided.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Gold opens with a decline of Rs 169 per ten grams, currently selling cheaper by about Rs 1,612 per 10 grams from its all-time high
– Silver opens with a gain of Rs 469 per kg
– Gold is trading fast on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) and silver is trading at a gain of Rs 240.00
– Gold is being traded rapidly in the international market, currently trading at a gain of $4.53 at the rate of $1,948.49 an ounce, while silver is trading at a gain of $0.08 at the level of $23.37 an ounce
– Rates of gold and silver in major cities mentioned, including the difference in rates between 22 carat and 24 carat gold, and silver rate per kg
– India’s forex reserves reduced by $6 billion, causing shock to the country. Gold pendants available for less than Rs 10000 and gold rate has become cheaper.

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