Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has launched a pilot project allowing commuters to book metro tickets through WhatsApp chatbot. The service is currently available on the Airport Express Line and can be accessed by linking the phone’s contact list with DMRC’s WhatsApp number. After providing the details of the origin and destination stations, a QR code will be generated, which can be shown at the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) gate to enter or exit the destination station. The facility has been introduced to provide more convenience to passengers traveling in national and international flights. Here are the details of how to use the service:

– DMRC has launched a pilot project that allows commuters to book metro tickets through WhatsApp chatbot.
– The service is currently available on the Airport Express Line.
– Passengers must link their phone’s contact list with DMRC’s WhatsApp number and provide the details of the origin and destination stations to generate a QR code.
– The QR code can be shown at the AFC gate to enter or exit the destination station.

– A maximum of 6 QR tickets can be purchased for single journey or group ticket.
– Passengers must exit the destination station within 65 minutes after entering.
– Passengers will be given half an hour after entry to exit the originating station.
– Tickets cannot be booked before the start of Metro service or after it ends during the night.
– A nominal convenience fee will be charged for transactions done through credit or debit cards.

DMRC Managing Director Vikas Kumar has taken this initiative to increase the digital options of ticketing and provide more convenience to passengers. With the new facility, passengers on the Airport Express Line can avoid the hassle of visiting the ticket counter or recharging their smart card. The WhatsApp chatbot based QR code ticket can be purchased from the convenience of their smartphones, making travel smoother and more comfortable. The service is available in both English and Hindi languages.

In conclusion, DMRC’s new WhatsApp chatbot based ticketing service is a welcome move that will provide more convenience to passengers traveling on the Airport Express Line. It is a step towards making the metro journey smoother and hassle-free, and we hope to see this service extended to other metro lines in the future.

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