Delhi Police’s Crime Branch has recently busted a nationwide fraud racket and arrested two people who were cheating in the name of hotel bookings. The accused have cheated more than 100 people and used to open bank accounts on the IDs of poor people. The police are currently raiding several places including Delhi and Gurugram to find the main accused. The arrested accused are Devo Singh (22), a resident of Bharatpur, Rajasthan, and Man Singh alias Mangat (24), a resident of Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand.

According to the Special Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch, Ravinder Singh Yadav, the victim, Ambika Prasad Sharma, had filed a complaint that he wanted to visit the Dwarkadhish temple in Gujarat in October 2022. When he searched for hotels online, he found the number of a hotel named Kokila Dheeraj Dham Dwarka Gujarat. The person who picked up the phone called himself Nirmal and claimed to be the hotel manager. The accused cheated the victim for Rs 1,03,102 in the name of booking.

The team of SI Rakesh Malik, SI Pramod, and ASI Sanjay started the investigation under the supervision of Inspector Manoj Kumar Mishra posted in Cyber Cell of Crime Branch. After interrogating Jagjit and Shivam, residents of Nanakmatta, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, the team found that the bank accounts had been opened by Man Singh, a resident of Gidhaur, Uttarakhand. The team arrested Mansingh from Uttarakhand, who revealed that he opened bank accounts on the ID of poor people and then sold one bank account to a fraudster for Rs 10,000.

Havildar Mohit Malik’s team scanned the CCTV footage of around 50 ATM booths and found that two persons were withdrawing money from different ATMs in Jaipur. They found a mobile number in the investigation, which was in the name of Devo Singh, a resident of village Kayarika Deeg Bharatpur, Rajasthan. The team laid siege in Jaipur and arrested Devo Singh.

Devo Singh told the police that he had come in contact with Khushiram along with his friend Pimmo. He used to withdraw fraudulent amounts from various ATMs at the behest of Khushiram. The accused said that he had withdrawn Rs 15 lakh from various ATMs in 10 days.

Overall, the Delhi Police’s Crime Branch has done a commendable job by busting this nationwide fraud racket and arresting the accused. It is a warning to others who indulge in such fraudulent activities. The police have advised people to be careful while booking hotels online and to verify the authenticity of the websites and phone numbers.

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