Nowadays, farmers in India are embracing new technologies and making significant progress. One such farmer who has stood out is Prakash Nemade, a resident of Imdevadi village in Maharashtra.

Despite having only 4 acres of ancestral land, Prakash managed to build a bungalow worth Rs 1 crore by selling cow dung. His bungalow, named ‘Godhan Niwas’, serves as a testament to his hard work and entrepreneurial spirit.

Farming and Livelihood

Due to water scarcity, Prakash turned to cow rearing for his livelihood. Starting with just one cow, he gradually expanded his business and now owns 150 cows.

In addition to selling milk, Prakash also ventured into the cow dung business, creating an industry worth crores. He even built a cow dung gas plant, providing organic farmers with quality cow dung for their farms.

Empowering Farmers

Prakash Nemade’s success story is an inspiration for farmers across the country. By diversifying his income streams and embracing innovative practices, he has not only become a millionaire but also created employment opportunities in his community.

His commitment to sustainable farming practices and animal welfare sets him apart as a role model for aspiring farmers.

News Summary:


  • A farmer named Prakash Nemade from Maharashtra became a millionaire by selling cow dung and built a bungalow worth Rs 1 crore.


  • Prakash started with just one cow and gradually expanded his business to include 150 cows, becoming a successful entrepreneur in the field of cow rearing.


  • He also ventured into the cow dung business, creating an industry worth crores and providing organic farmers with quality cow dung for their farms.


  • Prakash’s dedication to sustainable farming practices and animal welfare has not only made him successful but also inspired other farmers to innovate and diversify their income sources.

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