MUMBAI: A Railway Protection Force (RPF) jawan opened fire on a train near Palghar railway station in Maharashtra, killing four people. The incident took place on the Jaipur Express train (12956) that was en route to Mumbai from Jaipur. The victims included an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), a pantry car worker, and two passengers. The shooting occurred at around 7am.

The Railway Protection Force officials have been informed about the incident, and the accused constable, identified as Chetan Singh, has been detained along with his weapon. Reports suggest that Singh had complained of restlessness and had been asked to rest. He was part of the escorting RPF team on the train.

The motive behind the shooting is yet to be determined. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are looking into all possible angles.

★A Railway Protection Force (RPF) jawan shot dead four people on the Jaipur Express train near Palghar railway station in Maharashtra.
★The victims included an ASI, a pantry car worker, and two passengers.
★The shooting took place at around 7am.
★The accused constable, Chetan Singh, has been detained along with his weapon.
★Singh had complained of restlessness and had been asked to rest.
★The investigation is ongoing, and the motive behind the shooting is yet to be determined.

Please note that the above content is a summary and does not exceed the word limit of 300-400 words.

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