Delhi Police, in coordination with the FBI and Interpol, arrested four individuals for duping US citizens of approximately Rs 164 crore. The accused, identified as Vatsal Mehta, Parth Armarkar alias Uttam Dhillon, Deepak Arora, and Prashant Kumar, were running call centers in India and Uganda and posed as members of the US Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration, and other agencies to extort money from US citizens.

The accused were arrested by the Special Cell and the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations Unit, and were produced in the Patiala House Court before being sent on five-day police remand. The FBI informed Delhi Police that the gang, comprising Indians, was active in Uganda and was duping US citizens. The accused kept moving between Uganda and India, and extortion was done by threatening foreign nationals through call centers.

When the FBI interrogated more than 50 victims, it was found that about Rs 164 crore had been defrauded. Parth alone had cheated Rs 60 crore. The accused were extorting one lakh dollars from an average American citizen. In most cases, victims did not complain to investigating agencies or the police for fear of slander. The accused felt they would never be caught if they were cheating while sitting abroad.

The Special Cell and the FBI have been taking action in the country and abroad to arrest such fraudsters. In December 2022, four accused were arrested from Delhi, one each from Canada and America. Deepak Boxer was arrested from Mexico. Under this coordination, Delhi Police nabbed the accused from Ahmedabad. During interrogation, the accused revealed that the leader of the gang was Vatsal Mehta. The police also arrested him from Gujarat. Later, Deepak Arora and Prashant Kumar were arrested from Uttarakhand. The FBI and two US citizens were also interrogated in the case.

The accused have been charged with extortion, impersonation, and cheating. The police have warned people to be wary of such fraudsters and to immediately report any suspicious calls or emails to the authorities. The police have also urged citizens to spread awareness about such frauds and to not fall prey to them.

In conclusion, the arrest of these four individuals is a significant breakthrough in the fight against cybercrime and fraud. The coordination between the Special Cell, the FBI, and Interpol is commendable, and such joint efforts are necessary to curb such criminal activities. The police must continue to take strict action against such fraudsters and ensure that justice is served.

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