Friday brought a wave of relief for the residents of Delhi, who have been enduring extreme heat. Various parts of the city witnessed heavy to moderate rainfall, significantly changing the weather conditions across the National Capital Region (NCR), including Ghaziabad, Noida, and Gurugram.


Weather Changes Across Delhi and NCR

  • Heavy Rainfall in Rohini: The Rohini area experienced heavy rainfall, providing much-needed respite from the sweltering heat.
  • Moderate Rainfall in Multiple Areas: Areas like Rajouri Garden, Dhaula Kuan, and AIIMS saw moderate rainfall.
  • Cloudy Skies in NCR: The rain brought cloudy skies to cities in the NCR, including Ghaziabad, Noida, and Gurugram, cooling down the temperatures.


Impact on Temperature

  • Morning Drizzle: Several places saw drizzle in the morning, adding to the overall cooling effect.
  • Temperature Drop: There was a noticeable drop in the minimum temperature compared to the previous day. Yesterday’s minimum temperature was recorded at 29.7°C, which was 2 degrees above normal, while today it dropped to a normal level of 28.4°C.


Detailed Weather Report

  • Vasundhara: Strong winds caused dust to fly around.
  • Rohini: Heavy rain led to a significant cooling effect, with some roads experiencing water accumulation.
  • Noida: Rain started after strong winds.
  • Gurugram: The area experienced heavy rainfall, bringing much relief.
  • Outer Delhi: Drizzle started, providing a break from the heat.
  • New Delhi: The rain intensified as the day progressed.


Key Takeaways

  • Relief from Heat: The rain has brought much-needed relief from the intense heat for the residents of Delhi and NCR.
  • Temperature Drop: A significant drop in the minimum temperature was recorded.
  • Weather Forecast: The meteorological department predicts that partial cloud cover will persist throughout the day.


Rainfall Details Table

Location Rainfall Intensity Effect
Rohini Heavy Cooling effect, water accumulation
Rajouri Garden Moderate Temperature drop
Dhaula Kuan Moderate Temperature drop
AIIMS Moderate Temperature drop
Vasundhara Strong winds Dust flying around
Noida Started after strong winds Cooling effect
Gurugram Heavy Significant relief
Outer Delhi Drizzle Cooling effect
New Delhi Increasing intensity Continuous cooling

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