DelhiDesk The Wrestling Federation of India’s President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh has been accused of sexual harassment by women wrestlers. Two FIRs have been registered against him, and the wrestlers have been on strike at Jantar Mantar demanding his arrest. According to media reports, the wrestlers alleged that Singh touched them inappropriately during breathing exercises, tournaments, and in restaurants. The police have started investigating the matter, and the wrestlers have vowed to continue their strike until Singh’s arrest. They have also threatened to return their Olympic, Asian Games medals, and awards to the government if they do not get justice.
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– Wrestlers are opposing Brijbhushan 👉 Photo: Amar Ujala
– Women wrestlers are on strike at Jantar Mantar
– FIR has been registered against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh
– Case registered under Sexual Harassment and POCSO Act
– Two FIRs have been registered in this matter
– Women wrestlers gave information in FIR about how Brijbhushan used to exploit them
– Brij Bhushan denies allegations
– Women wrestlers told in the FIR that Brij Bhushan used to touch them inappropriately
– Police have started an investigation in this matter
– Wrestlers’ strike will continue until Brij Bhushan is arrested
– They may return their medals and awards to the government.