DelhiDesk A mahapanchayat is scheduled to take place in support of the wrestlers who are protesting at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. Security has been increased along the border with Haryana and at Jantar Mantar. Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait also reached Jantar Mantar to show support. A Sarvakhap Mahapanchayat has been called to decide on the future strategy of the wrestlers. Additionally, 31 and two nine-member committees have been formed to prepare the outline of the movement. The president of Wrestling Federation of India, Brij Bhushan, released a video message and said that he is not stopping anyone from coming to Delhi but if he is found guilty, he will personally face the consequences. He also urged people to verify the allegations against him before taking any action.
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👉 A mahapanchayat is going to be held on Sunday in support of the wrestlers sitting on dharna at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar.
👉 Security has been increased along the border with Haryana and at Jantar Mantar in view of the mahapanchayat.
👉 Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait is also supporting the wrestlers and has stated that the mahapanchayat will be held peacefully.
👉 A Sarvakhap Mahapanchayat has been called at Jantar Mantar on Sunday to decide the future strategy of the wrestlers in this fight.
👉 31 and two nine-member committees have been formed to prepare the outline of the movement.
👉 WFI President Brij Bhushan has released a video message in which he addresses the allegations against him and requests the support of the wrestling community.
👉 The message also includes a plea to not involve children in the controversy.