DelhiDesk: Farmers across India are eagerly awaiting the 14th installment of the PM Kisan Yojana, which provides three installments of Rs 2,000 each per year to eligible farmers. The Modi government is expected to release the next payment between June and July, according to media reports. To check the status of their installment, beneficiaries can log in to the PM Kisan website and click on the Farmers Corner and Beneficiary Status options. The government has transferred about Rs 16,800 crore to farmers’ accounts under the 13th installment of the scheme.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Farmers are waiting for the 14th installment of PM Kisan Yojana.
👉 More than 10 crore beneficiary farmers are waiting for the amount of the scheme.
👉 The central government is expected to release the amount between June and July.
👉 No official announcement has been made yet.
👉 The 13th installment was released on 26 February.
👉 To check the status of the installment, farmers can go to the PM Kisan website.
👉 All landholding farmer families can get benefits under the scheme.

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