The central government has taken a firm stance against electronics companies that mislead consumers regarding product warranties. The government has issued clear instructions for these companies to provide transparent information about warranty periods to their customers.

Transparency in Warranty Details

Electronics manufacturers are now required to clearly inform buyers about the exact warranty duration of their products. The government emphasized that the warranty period should start from the date of purchase, not the manufacturing date, as doing otherwise reduces the effective warranty time.

Rights Under Consumer Protection Act

According to reports, under Section 2 (9) of the Consumer Protection Act, consumers have the right to be informed about the service, quality, quantity, capacity, purity, standards, and price of any product before purchase. Often, consumers are promised warranties of 5 to 10 years, but a detailed study of the product’s warranty terms reveals significantly shorter actual coverage.


Misleading Warranty Claims

It’s common for products to be marketed with warranties of 5 to 10 years, but a closer look often reveals a much shorter actual warranty period, often accompanied by numerous conditions. Sometimes, the warranty applies only to specific parts of the product, which is often exaggerated in advertising.


Stricter Measures Against Misleading Advertisements

Upcoming Guidelines for IAS Coaching Institutes
The central government is also set to issue guidelines under a 125-day plan to protect consumer interests, targeting misleading advertisements, surrogate ads, greenwashing, and unsolicited calls. These steps are in response to the increasing number of cases involving the violation of consumer rights through deceptive advertising practices.


Use of Personal Details in Ads
Draft rules indicate that coaching institutes for civil services exams will no longer be allowed to use the personal details of top students in their advertisements without consent. These guidelines are part of a broader effort to rein in deceptive and unethical business practices.


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