DelhiDesk The Election Commission of India has sent a letter to Congress President Sonia Gandhi, asking for clarification and rectification measures in relation to a tweet on the party’s official Twitter handle. The tweet, which referred to Karnataka’s sovereignty, was the subject of a complaint by the BJP, which accused Gandhi of advocating for the state’s separation from India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also accused the Congress of openly backing such a move.
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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.
– Election Commission of India issues letter to Congress President regarding social media post
– BJP files complaint against Congress leader Sonia Gandhi for use of term “sovereignty” for Karnataka
– BJP demands action and FIR against Gandhi, as well as derecognition of Congress party
– Prime Minister Modi accuses Congress of advocating for separating Karnataka from India
– Congress tweet refers to Gandhi’s speech and asserts party will not allow threat to Karnataka’s reputation, sovereignty or integrity
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