DelhiDesk Disney+ Hotstar has announced a new original series called School of Lies, set to stream on 2 June, starring Nimrat Kaur, Aamir Bashir, and Sonali Kulkarni, among others. The move is part of the platform’s multi-pronged strategy to build on local originals, utilise the shelf life of television programming from Star India’s satellite TV channels, reiterate the draw of original Disney content, cash in on the pull of movies, and stack up on a sports portfolio. Despite the platform’s growth slowing down due to the removal of popular international content, it still has a subscriber base of 57.5 million, with India accounting for the majority of its subscribers.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Disney+ Hotstar announces new original School of Lies starring Nimrat Kaur, Aamir Bashir and Sonali Kulkarni
👉 Disney+ Hotstar gives up digital media rights to Viacom18 for IPL tournament broadcast rights
👉 Disney Star removes 144 HBO originals from its platform
👉 Disney+ Hotstar focuses on local originals, utilizing Star India’s satellite TV channels, and international Disney content to attract subscribers
👉 Disney+ Hotstar targets $5.5 billion in cost savings and reduction of 7,000 jobs
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