DelhiDesk Director Atlee Kumar, who is directing Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming movie “Jawan,” recently revealed the name of his newborn son. Atlee and his wife Krishna Priya named their son Meer. Atlee shared a picture of himself with his wife and son on Instagram, where he announced the name of his child. Many celebrities, including actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu, congratulated the couple on social media. The name Meer has a special connection with Shah Rukh Khan, as the actor’s non-profit organization is called the Meer Foundation. “Jawan” is set to release on September 7, 2023, and also stars Nayantara, Sanya Malhotra, and Vijay Sethupathi in important roles.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming movie ‘Jawan’ is directed by Atlee Kumar, his first Bollywood film
👉 ‘Jawan’ was scheduled to release on June 2, 2023, but now it will release on September 7, 2023
👉 Atlee Kumar and his wife Krishna Priya welcomed a baby boy in January, and have named him Meer
👉 Shah Rukh Khan’s non-profit organization, Meer Foundation, has a special connection to Atlee’s son’s name
👉 ‘Jawan’ also stars Nayantara, Sanya Malhotra, and Vijay Sethupathi in important roles
👉 Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has congratulated Atlee and Krishna Priya on the birth of their son
👉 Atlee revealed his son’s name on Instagram, in a post with a picture of his family at a temple.

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