Development work worth Rs 57.64 lakh has been initiated by state cabinet minister Bram Shankar Zimpa in Hoshiarpur district’s Adamwal village in Punjab. The development works include provision for drinking water and drainage of dirty water, development of Chappad, streets and drains, and a community hall. The minister stated that the Punjab government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, is focusing only on the development of the state. He further added that development work has been undertaken in every district in just one year, which is an example in itself. The Thapar model is being used to develop village-to-village Chappad, which will help to conserve water. The government has provided employment opportunities to around 30,000 people in the last one year. The health concern of the people has also been kept in mind by opening common man clinics near their homes, where tests are done free of cost. Additionally, the government is opening a Government Medical College in Hoshiarpur, which will greatly benefit the district. On the occasion, several dignitaries, including BDPO Sukhwinder Singh, AE Arvind Saini, and Sarpanch Rama Devi, were present.
English Summary: Punjab’s state cabinet minister Bram Shankar Zimpa has initiated development work worth Rs 57.64 lakh in Hoshiarpur district’s Adamwal village. The development work includes drinking water, drainage of dirty water, development of Chappad, streets and drains, and a community hall. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, the Punjab government is focusing on the development of the state, providing employment opportunities to around 30,000 people in the last one year, and keeping the health concerns of the people in mind by opening common man clinics near their homes. A Government Medical College is also opening in Hoshiarpur, which will greatly benefit the district.
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