DelhiDesk Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly, Ramveer Singh Bidhuri, accused Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of hollowing out Delhi with corruption and violating the limits of politics. Bidhuri made these statements during a program organized under Jan Chetna Abhiyan in South Delhi’s Mehrauli assembly constituency. He accused Kejriwal of wearing the mask of a common man and looting crores of rupees from the public. Bidhuri also alleged that Kejriwal spent Rs 171 crore of taxpayers’ money on luxury, while promising to live in a four-room house like a common man. A palace has been built by combining many rooms around the government house, where he is living a luxurious life, according to Bidhuri.
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👉 Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly accuses CM Kejriwal of making Delhi hollow with corruption
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👉 Kejriwal has broken all limits of politics: Bidhuri
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👉 Rs 171 crore spent on luxury while Kejriwal had promised to live like a common man
👉 Palace built by combining many rooms around government house for Kejriwal’s luxury living