As the monsoon line approaches, moderate rainfall is expected in Delhi starting Sunday. This change in weather will provide relief from the humidity that residents have been experiencing.

Temperature and Humidity Levels 🌡️

On Friday, the minimum temperature in Delhi was recorded at 27.4°C. The day began with light rain and overcast skies, but the sun eventually came out, bringing back the humid heat. The maximum temperature at Safdarjung Observatory was 35.6°C, which is normal for this time of year. Humidity levels ranged from 95% to 67%.

Screenshot 2024 07 20 At 5.56.35%E2%80%Afam Jpg Delhi To Witness Heavy Rain. Imd Alerted For Safety As Monsoon Line Approaching City.

Rainfall Predictions 🌧️

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts light to moderate rain in various parts of Delhi on Sunday. This rainfall will bring much-needed relief from the oppressive heat and humidity.

Important Information 📝

Details Information
Minimum Temperature (Friday) 27.4°C
Maximum Temperature (Friday) 35.6°C
Humidity Levels 95% to 67%
Rainfall Expected From Sunday
Type of Rainfall Light to Moderate

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