Indian Railways is all set to introduce the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train, following the success of the Vande Bharat chair car trains. The first sleeper train of this series is ready, with Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw revealing the first look on September 1, 2024. This new development is expected to be a significant leap in providing faster and more comfortable travel options across India. The train is set to undergo trials in the next 10 days, and within the next three months, it will be available for public travel.

First Vande Bharat Sleeper Train to Run Between Patna and Delhi

The first Vande Bharat sleeper train will operate between Patna and Delhi, a significant development for passengers in Bihar. This train will run at a speed of 160 km/h and will cover the journey in 8 hours, significantly reducing travel time. The stops for this route have yet to be confirmed.

Vande Sleeper Train Jpg Delhi To Patna Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. Fare, Route And Key Stopage Details Is Here.

Features and Capacity

Compared to the Vande Bharat chair car, the sleeper version will have more seating capacity. While the chair car Vande Bharat has 8 coaches and 530 seats, the sleeper variant will have 16 coaches and accommodate 823 berths. This makes the sleeper train a more viable option for long-distance, overnight journeys.

Ticket Pricing

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has indicated that the sleeper train is designed with the middle-class traveler in mind. The fare for the Vande Bharat sleeper is expected to be comparable to that of the Rajdhani Express, making it an affordable and attractive option for overnight travel. Initially, the train will cover distances between 800 to 1200 km.

Expected Launch Timeline

The Vande Bharat sleeper train is expected to be fully operational by December 2024. The trial runs will be conducted over the next two months, after which the train will be available for passengers. The coach construction is already complete, and the next phase is focused on ensuring the train’s performance and safety during the trial period.

Route and Key Stops:

The exact stops have not been officially confirmed yet, but based on the current route structure of trains running between Patna and Delhi, the following key stops are expected:

  1. Patna Junction
  2. Mughalsarai Junction
  3. Allahabad Junction
  4. Kanpur Central
  5. Ghaziabad Junction
  6. New Delhi


Key Features:

  • Total Distance: 990 km (Approximate distance between Patna and Delhi)
  • Travel Time: 8 hours
  • Coaches: 16 Sleeper Coaches
  • Berths: 823 berths in the train
  • Speed: 160 km/h
  • Launch Date: Expected by December 2024
  • Operation Days: To be confirmed, likely daily except maintenance days


Fare Details:

As the fare structure is expected to be similar to the Rajdhani Express, below is an indicative table based on current Rajdhani fares:

Class Fare (Approx) Amenities
Sleeper Class ₹1,500 – ₹1,800 Berth, Bedding, AC, Food Service
3rd AC ₹2,000 – ₹2,500 Bedding, Meals, AC
2nd AC ₹3,000 – ₹3,500 Enhanced Bedding, Meals, AC
1st AC ₹4,000 – ₹4,500 Private Cabins, Meals, AC

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1 Comment

  1. Please let us know the average speed and total travel time and punctuality, compensation for late travel and necessity of food supply for night travel.

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