In a move to encourage the upper-middle class to utilize public transportation, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced the launch of an app-based ‘Premium Bus Service.’ The declaration came during a press conference, with the assurance that the plan will be notified following approval from Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor (LG) V.K. Saxena.

Aimed at the Middle Class

“When the metro train service was initiated in Delhi, many people ditched their scooters and started commuting by metro. However, as the metro got crowded, they reverted to using their vehicles. The lower-middle class travels by bus, but with this scheme (Premium Bus Service), the upper-middle class will also opt for public transportation,” Kejriwal explained.

Digital Payments Only

Under this initiative, licensed companies (aggregators) will have to operate air-conditioned buses with a minimum of nine seats. “There will be no standing travel allowed in the bus, and payments will be made digitally. Aggregators must have at least 25 buses in their fleet. By January 1, 2025, all buses included in the fleet must be electric,” he added.

Dynamic Pricing Structure

The routes of these buses will be determined based on demand, and the respective company will need to inform the transport department about it. “The fare will be dynamic (increasing with fewer available seats) and will not be less than the maximum fare of Delhi Transport Corporation’s (DTC) air-conditioned buses,” Kejriwal stated.

Important Information Table:

  • Service Launch: To be notified post LG approval
  • Minimum Seats per Bus: 9
  • Payment Method: Digital
  • Minimum Buses per Aggregator: 25
  • Full Electric Transition: By January 1, 2025
  • Fare: Dynamic, not less than DTC AC buses

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is the Premium Bus Service?
    • It’s an app-based service aimed at encouraging the upper-middle class to use public transportation, offering a comfortable and premium commuting experience.
  2. How will the fare for these premium buses be calculated?
    • The fare will be dynamic, subject to increase with fewer seats available, but it won’t be less than the maximum fare of DTC’s air-conditioned buses.
  3. Are there any specific regulations for the buses under this service?
    • Yes, the buses need to be air-conditioned with a minimum of nine seats, no standing passengers allowed, and they must transition to electric by January 1, 2025.
  4. Who can use the Premium Bus Service?
    • While it’s primarily targeted at the upper-middle class, anyone interested in a more comfortable public transport experience can use this service.
  5. How can commuters pay for their journey?
    • Payments are strictly digital, providing a contactless and convenient experience for passengers.

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