The weather has once again changed its course in Delhi-NCR. On Thursday, after being cloudy throughout the day, it rained heavily since evening. The process of rain which started in the evening continued till late night and Friday morning. Intermittent rains lashed Delhi-NCR late on Thursday night resulting in water-logging in many areas of the capital, due to which people were facing a lot of trouble in commuting.

Delhi Rain broke record in these areas.

According to information, this month of March in Delhi has been the third highest rainfall during 15 years. The average normal rainfall for the month is 17.1 mm, while it has reached 51.8 mm i.e. more than 300 percent till 3:30 pm on Thursday (March 30). 80.8 mm as against 15.0 mm at Palam and 36.4 mm as against 17.1 mm at Lodhi Road. Looking back, even 10 times in 15 years, the rainfall in March was not normal. Including this March also, thrice the capital remained dry, while seven times it received much less rainfall than the average.

Again pathetic Scenes around the internet is viral.

Explain that the average rainfall figure in the month of March is 17.1 mm, but from 2009 to 2023 only 2014, 2015, 2016, 2020 and 2023 have been the years when Delhi received good rainfall. In March 2020, an all-time record of excessive rainfall was also created in the capital. In other years the situation has been very pathetic. In 2010, 2018 and 2022, the rains completely turned away from March. Even in the intervening years, in the name of rains, there has been only food supply.

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