Corona cases have started increasing once again in the country. Over a thousand cases of corona are being registered every day for the last few days. A dire situation has arisen due to each and every corona case. In view of the increasing cases of Corona, the government has started preparations.

Bed Reserved in LNJP Hospital

Dr. Suresh Kumar, MD of Delhi’s LNJP Hospital said that we have created a reserve bank for 450 beds. We have 5 PSA Oxygen Plants. We also have D-type oxygen cylinders. He further said that earlier there was no patient of Corona in the hospital. But, four patients have been admitted in the last 2-3 days.

Sequence of Vulnerable Mock Drills conducted

Earlier the Delhi government has ordered all government concerns to conduct a mock drill on March 26 to check the preparedness of health, containment initiatives and logistics, including the possibility of oxygen in the wake of a surge in COVID-19 and symptomatic-type cases. Can go

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