DelhiDesk The Delhi government is preparing for Business Blaster-3, a program for students in classes XI and XII to create new business ideas. The students will be given seed money if their idea is deemed useful and different, and a team of eight students will work on each idea. The program aims to encourage students to prepare their projects and start them as startups. The Directorate of Education has issued guidelines for the program, emphasizing the importance of a distinct and useful idea. The program will begin during the academic session of 2023-24.
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– Business Blaster program started two years back in government schools of Delhi
– Government now preparing for Business Blaster-3
– Children of Business Blaster-3 asked to create new ideas for classes XI-XII
– Seed money provided to students if idea is useful and different
– Team of eight students formed to work on idea
– Amount of 2000 rupees provided to each student
– Directorate of Education issued guidelines for Business Blaster-3
– Teams given initial amount to start project as a startup
– Idea must be distinct and useful for consumer
– Students can talk to different people in market for feedback
– Students who missed Business Blaster-2 can form own team
– Idea evaluated at school level
– Children given time to finalize team when school reopens