Screenshot 2022 12 09 At 12.08.40 Am Delhi - Noida Metro Will Have New Route. Half Dozen Areas Will Be Connected To Botanical Garden

Noida Metro Rail Corporation has finalised the change in route from Botanical Garden Metro Station. Delhi Metro Corporation’s report on Noida Metro Rail Corporation new plan and idea is awaited. This proposal is coming due to the change of the already fixed route of the Botanical Garden. The proposed metro line in this scheme extends up to 11.5 km. In which sectors are 142, 136, 91, 93, 98, 127, 97, 126, 125 and 94. Noida Metro has expressed concern about the stations on which people travel less. In view of which a new proposal has been sent.


Noida Metro has poor routing issue

More populous areas of Noida, especially areas near Botanical Garden Metro Station, lack intra-Noida Metro coverage. That’s why this line going from Botanical Garden will benefit the people of the surrounding area. Apart from this, the people of Greater Noida are also getting benefits from this connectivity. Explain that this line will also have connectivity with Delhi, the reason behind this is that the Botanical Garden station also works as an interchange station with Blue and Magenta.


These metro stations are included

Sectors 142, 91, 98, 97, 125 and Botanical Garden will be included in the proposed line given by Noida Metro Rail Corporation, but these proposals have not been finalised. For this, the suggestions of NMRC and DMRC are awaited. Apart from this, another parameter is being looked at in the form of ridership benefits.

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