Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the new Namo Bharat train section between Anand Vihar and New Ashok Nagar on Friday. This 13-kilometer stretch, built at an estimated cost of ₹4,600 crore, is a crucial part of the Rapid Rail Transit System (RRTS) corridor, connecting Sahibabad to Meerut. Thousands of daily commuters will benefit from faster and more convenient travel options.
Operations Start from January 3
According to Delhi Metro authorities, regular operations on this new section will begin from January 3. Earlier, the Namo Bharat train operated between Sahibabad and Meerut South Station along a 42-kilometer stretch. With the 13-kilometer extension, commuters can now travel seamlessly between Anand Vihar and New Ashok Nagar, reducing congestion and travel time across the Delhi-NCR region.
Delhi to Meerut in 40 Minutes
Once fully operational, the RRTS corridor will span 82.15 kilometers with 27 stations. The new section will significantly reduce travel time between Delhi and Meerut, with the journey expected to take just 40 minutes. The newly added segment also opens multiple connecting options for passengers, improving accessibility and efficiency.
Fare Details for New Ashok Nagar Section
The Rapid Rail Authority has announced standard and premium fares for major stations:
Destination | Standard Fare | Premium Fare |
Anand Vihar | ₹30 | ₹45 |
Sahibabad | ₹50 | ₹75 |
Ghaziabad | ₹70 | ₹105 |
Modinagar | ₹80 | ₹120 |
Meerut South | ₹90 | ₹135 |
Meerut Central | ₹110 | ₹165 |
Note: Fares for additional stations are set accordingly.
Thousands of Commuters to Benefit
- Daily commuters, office-goers, students, and business professionals will greatly benefit from the reduced travel time.
- Traffic congestion on Delhi-Meerut roads is expected to decrease significantly.
- The project also aims to lower pollution levels by encouraging the use of public transportation.
Work Still in Progress
While the Anand Vihar-New Ashok Nagar section is ready for operation, work on some stations and platform facilities across the corridor is still ongoing. Construction on remaining stations in Modinagar and Meerut is expected to be completed in the coming months. Authorities plan to open new sections progressively, ensuring the entire corridor becomes fully operational on time.
Key Project Highlights
Feature | Details |
Inauguration Date | January 3, 2025 |
Length of New Section | 13 km |
Total Corridor Length | 82.15 km |
Number of Stations | 27 (Planned) |
Travel Time to Meerut | Approx. 40 minutes |
Project Cost | ₹4,600 crore |