DelhiDesk The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has decided to deploy a flying squad team to keep an eye on people who make objectionable videos inside metro coaches. The DMRC will also deploy policemen and install CCTV cameras inside old metro coaches to monitor people who behave inappropriately. Currently, there are no CCTV cameras in the coaches of the trains running on the Red Line of Delhi Metro, but the installation process has already begun. This decision was taken after many objectionable videos surfaced in the Delhi Metro in the recent past.
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👉 The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has taken a major decision to curb objectionable videos being made inside metro coaches.
👉 A flying squad team will keep an eye on such people and CCTV cameras will be installed inside old metro coaches.
👉 Policemen will also be deployed in metro coaches to monitor people who behave inappropriately.
👉 Currently, CCTV cameras are not installed in the coaches of the train running on the Red Line of Delhi Metro, but the process of installing them has started.