DelhiDesk A Delhi court is expected to deliver its order on framing charges against Aaftab Amin Poonawalla, who is accused of killing his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar and dismembering her body. The victim’s father has urged the court to hand over the remains of his daughter for the last rites. Poonawalla has been charged with murder and causing the disappearance of evidence of the offence. The Delhi Police filed a 6,629-page charge sheet in January this year. Walkar was allegedly strangled by Poonawalla on May 18, 2020.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Delhi court to pronounce order on framing charges against Aaftab Amin Poonawalla
– Accused of strangling his live-in partner Shraddha Walker and chopping her body into pieces
– Order was adjourned on April 29 due to the judge concerned being on leave
– Hearing on victim’s father’s application to hand over remains for last rites also adjourned till May 9
– Additional Sessions Judge Manisha Khurana Kakkar reserved the order for April 29 after hearing arguments on framing of charges
– Probe agency sought time to file reply to Walkar’s father’s application on April 15
– Poonawalla booked for offenses under IPC sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offense)
– Delhi Police filed a 6,629-page charge sheet in the case on January 24
– Walkar allegedly strangled by Poonawalla on May 18 last year and body parts scattered in different places in Delhi to avoid being caught

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