The Delhi government will soon introduce National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) compliant digital ticketing facility in buses operated by Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS). The Transport Department has issued a notice inviting e-tender for this.


New ticket system across Delhi Bus.

Transport Minister Kailash Gehlot said that the Delhi government is committed to provide more convenient and safe travel to the people. We want to replace the present manual ticketing system with digital system. Through this, we want to establish such a system, through which complete information about the place of origin and destination can be found.


Know bus capacity before onboarding.

Also, the passengers can also know whether the next bus coming is 100% full or partially full, so that they can also know the exact waiting time. The tender floated by the Transport Department involves the supply and commissioning of Electronic Ticketing Machines (ETMs) for 7,500 buses in the first phase. Apart from this, now you will be able to pay with smart card or NCMC card.

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