In a devastating incident in Sirsapur, a warehouse wall collapse has led to tragic consequences for several workers. The accident occurred in the afternoon, around 1 PM, in lane number four of Sirsapur, where five laborers got trapped under the debris.

Details of the Incident

  • Fatal Outcome for One Worker: Among the five workers caught in the collapse, one succumbed to injuries while being transported to the hospital.


  • Critical Condition of Other Workers: The remaining four workers were seriously injured and have been admitted to Babu Jagjivan Ram Hospital for urgent medical care.


  • Cause of the Collapse: It is reported that the accident occurred when the workers were digging a foundation next to the warehouse wall, which subsequently collapsed onto them.


Rescue Efforts and Response

  1. Immediate Rescue Operation: Police and the Fire Service Department teams were promptly dispatched to the site and conducted rescue operations to extricate the trapped workers.


This tragic incident in Sirsapur raises concerns about workplace safety and emergency response mechanisms. The loss of life and the critical condition of the other workers is a sobering reminder of the hazards faced by laborers in construction and warehousing jobs. It underscores the need for strict adherence to safety protocols and regulations to prevent such unfortunate incidents in the future. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families during this difficult time

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