In a significant move aimed at providing relief to the residents of Delhi, the Kejriwal government has announced a new initiative to address the issue of hefty water bills. The announcement, made on Friday, introduces a one-time settlement (OTS) scheme for water bill payments, marking a step towards easing the financial burden on the city’s populace.


Key Highlights of the OTS Scheme

  • Proposal Presentation: The detailed proposal for the OTS scheme is set to be presented at a cabinet meeting on February 14th. Following approval, it is anticipated that approximately 40% of the 10 lakh water consumers in Delhi will benefit from this scheme.


  • Scheme Benefits: Under the OTS scheme, consumers who have received incorrect water bills will have the opportunity to pay a recalculated bill in a single installment, thereby adjusting any previous discrepancies. This initiative not only aims to rectify billing errors but also facilitates better management of water consumption records.


  • Implementation Timeline: Consumers will be given a four-month window to avail of the benefits of the OTS scheme by submitting their recalculated bills. Additionally, it is mandatory for beneficiaries to install a functional water meter, ensuring that those with faulty meters can be accommodated within the Delhi Jal Board’s (DJB) purview.


Minister’s Statement

Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj highlighted the government’s commitment to resolving the issues faced by the citizens regarding water bills. By introducing the OTS scheme, the government seeks to streamline the billing process and ensure accurate water consumption tracking through the mandatory installation of water meters.

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