In a significant crackdown, the Delhi Police’s Special Cell has unveiled a major counterfeit currency operation, leading to the arrest of three key members of the racket near Akshardham Metro Station. This bust highlights the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat financial fraud and counterfeit currency circulation.

Key Highlights of the Operation

  • Arrest of the Accused: The Special Cell arrested three individuals, identified as Asif Ali, Danish Ali, and Sartaj Khan, all residents of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Significant Seizure: Police recovered counterfeit notes amounting to INR 50 lakhs from the possession of the accused.


  • Long-Term Operation: The group has been involved in the counterfeit currency trade for the past five years.
  • Large Scale Impact: It is estimated that they have circulated fake notes worth approximately INR 5 crores in the market over this period.

Akshardham Metro Jpeg Delhi Akshardham Mandi Metro Station Got Big News. Full 50 Lakhs Rs Fake Currency Pakdaya.

Implications of the Bust

  • Financial Security Threat: The circulation of counterfeit currency poses a significant threat to the financial security and economic stability of the region.


  • Law Enforcement Vigilance: This operation demonstrates the vigilance and effectiveness of the Delhi Police in identifying and apprehending individuals involved in such illegal activities.


  • Public Awareness: Incidents like these underscore the need for public awareness about the dangers of counterfeit currency and the importance of reporting suspicious activities.


The successful bust of this counterfeit currency racket by the Delhi Police is a testament to their commitment to safeguarding the economic interests of the nation.

It serves as a warning to those engaged in similar illegal activities and reinforces the importance of continuous efforts to maintain the integrity of the financial system. This operation is not just a victory for law enforcement but also for the security and stability of the country’s economy.

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