Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra visited Jewar on Friday to review the progress of the Noida International Airport construction. He issued a stern directive to the developer company to complete the first phase of the airport by December, within a three-month grace period. Failure to meet this deadline will result in penalties.


Progress and Updates

  • Current Status: According to the developer, 80% of the work has been completed. The Yamuna International Airport Limited (YIAPL) presented a progress report to the Chief Secretary.
  • ATC Building: The construction of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) building is in its final stages. The building will be handed over to the Airports Authority of India in August for equipment installation, to be completed by September.
  • Runway and Apron: Lighting work on the runway and apron (aircraft parking area) is ongoing. Navigation equipment, including the glide path antenna and localizer, has already been installed near the runway.


Terminal Building Construction

  • Exterior and Roof Work: The terminal building’s facade and roof are under construction, with finishing work on the pillars also in progress.
  • Interior Installations: Work is underway to install e-gates for passenger check-in and check-out, as well as an automated baggage handling system.


December Deadline

  • Grace Period: Initially, the first flight was scheduled for September 29, 2024. The developer company had recently set a final completion date of April 2025. However, the Chief Secretary has emphasized completing the construction within the grace period ending in December 2024.
  • Penalties: The Yamuna Authority had issued a notice imposing a fine of ₹10 lakh per day for delays. To avoid penalties, the developer must ensure the project is completed by December 2024.


Future Steps

  • Action Plan: YIAPL has been asked to submit a detailed action plan by July 15, covering all aspects of the project to ensure timely completion.
  • Next Steps: The Chief Secretary stressed the importance of commencing flights from December 2024 and received agreement from YIAPL on this deadline.


The review meeting included key officials such as Dr. Arunveer Singh (CEO of the Yamuna Authority), DM Manish Kumar Verma, OSD Shailendra Bhatia, and YIAPL CEO Christoph Salmon.

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