DelhiDesk: The Ministry of Consumer Affairs in India has issued an advisory to retailers to stop insisting on customers providing their personal details or mobile numbers for certain services. The advisory comes after complaints from customers who were denied service if they refused to share their mobile number. The Consumer Affairs Secretary has stated that collecting such information is an unfair and restrictive trade practice and there is no logic behind it. The advisory has been issued to industry bodies to resolve the issue in the interest of customers.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Shopkeepers ask for customers’ mobile number after buying goods
👉 Some shopkeepers argue that bills cannot be generated without the number
👉 Ministry of Consumer Affairs orders retailers not to insist on taking personal details or mobile numbers
👉 Advisory issued after receiving complaints from customers
👉 Customers have complained about being denied service if they refuse to share mobile number
👉 This is an unfair and restrictive trade practice under the Consumer Protection Act
👉 Privacy is a concern, advisory issued to resolve the issue in the interest of customers.

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