DelhiDesk Coal India has announced its Q4 results for the financial year 2022-23, reporting a net profit decline of 18% to Rs 5,528 crore due to higher provisioning for employee wage revision. However, for the entire financial year, the company’s profit saw a jump of 62% to Rs 28,125 crore. The company’s revenue from operations in Q4 FY23 stood at Rs 38,152 crore, indicating a 17% YoY growth. Coal production increased by 7% to 224.1 million tonnes in the March 2023 quarter. The company has declared a final dividend of Rs 4 per equity share for its shareholders. Coal India has started talks with employee unions for wage revision, with workers demanding a 47% hike in salary while the company has offered a 3% increment.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

πŸ‘‰ Coal India announces Q4 results for FY22-23
πŸ‘‰ Q4 net profit declined by 18% to Rs 5,528 crore due to higher provisioning for wage revision
πŸ‘‰ FY23 profit saw a jump of 62% to Rs 28,125 crore, compared to Rs 17,378 crore in FY22
πŸ‘‰ Revenue from operations in Q4 FY23 increased by 17% to Rs 38,152 crore
πŸ‘‰ Coal production increased by 7% to 224.1 million tonnes in Q4 FY23
πŸ‘‰ Sales for Q4 FY23 increased to Rs 35,161.44 crore
πŸ‘‰ Company declares a final dividend of Rs 4 per share for shareholders
πŸ‘‰ Provision of Rs 5,870.16 crore made in Q4 to finalize wage settlement with unions
πŸ‘‰ Provision of Rs 8,152.75 crore made for entire FY23 for wage settlement, compared to Rs 1,080.97 crore in FY22.

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