DelhiDesk The Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel, has said that the Congress has no problem in saying “Bajrang Bali ki Jai” and accused the BJP of blowing the matter out of proportion. He also questioned why Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not speaking on issues such as 40% commission, Adani, and violence in Arunachal Pradesh. Baghel also stated that a ban on Bajrang Dal could be considered in Chhattisgarh if the situation demanded it. Meanwhile, in Telangana, BJP’s youth wing protested against the proposed ban on Bajrang Dal in the Karnataka Congress election manifesto and recited Hanuman Chalisa at the Congress headquarters.
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👉 Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Bhupesh Baghel speaks on Bajrang Bali politics and BJP’s actions
👉 Baghel says Congress is not against Bajrang Bali, BJP is blowing the matter out of proportion
👉 Ban on Bajrang Dal can be considered in Chhattisgarh depending on the situation, says Baghel
👉 BJP’s youth wing protests against proposed ban on Bajrang Dal in Karnataka Congress manifesto
👉 Workers recite Hanuman Chalisa at Congress headquarters in Telangana, police shift them due to traffic snarls