DelhiDesk The BJP party in India has demanded that the film “The Kerala Story” be made tax-free in Delhi and re-categorized from an A category film to a U-A category film. The party also wants to organize special free shows of the film for girls in classes IX to XII. The film deals with the issue of girls being targeted for recruitment into terrorist organizations. The BJP had previously demanded that another film, “The Kashmir Files,” be made tax-free in Delhi, but the government refused. However, many BJP-ruled states have made the film tax-free.
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👉 The BJP demands tax free status for the film The Kerala Story in Delhi.
👉 They also requested for the film’s category to be changed from A to U-A so that girl students from 9th to 12th grade can watch it.
👉 The film has already been made tax free in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh, with other states expected to follow.
👉 Senior Delhi BJP leader Praveen Shankar Kapoor has written to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal requesting special free shows of the film for daughters of Delhi.
👉 Kapoor believes that the film’s message is important for girls from every community in the country.
👉 There was a similar dispute over the tax free status for the film The Kashmir Files, which was eventually made tax free in several BJP-ruled states.